Saturday, March 22, 2008


DB folder:

/var/yp generally.
Makefile to decide such settings.

/usr/ccs/bin/make <map-name>
/usr/ccs/bin/yppush -v <map-name> #to push maps on desired yp servers.

Friday, March 21, 2008

RHN Registration.

rhn_register Command used to register the license of Linux used to RHN interactively.
rhnreg_ks command used to register non-interactively by using option ahead of command.
rhnreg_ks --profile=<FQDN> --username=<rhn-user> --password=<rhn-password> --email=<mail for guy who is registering>.

Note Before any RHN registeration use command:

rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY.

FlexLM License Documentation

Common Commands used.

lmgrd -c <license_file_name> : To start the License.
lmdown -c <license_file_name> : Stop the Licenses.
lmreread -c <license_file_name> : To reread the License file and update running licenses as required without the need to shutdown the daemon.
lmstat -c <license_file_name> : To see the status of the running License.

PS: It is recommended to run Licenses from a user who doesnt has admin priviledges due to security concerns.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cron Configuration

* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
| | | +------- month (1 - 12)
| | +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
| +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HPUX problems.

Unable to find exisiting shared Library:
Solution: Set variable SHLIB_PATH <path for shared lib folder>.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Veritas Netbackup Unix

Default Installation Directory:
Services file :
Administration Console Binary:
TLD Status: Media being handled by the robots/Tape Library.
DB which stores all the information about all the media and its contents.
Without Catalog Netbackup installation is as gud as new and cant recover anything from the media no matter how old or how new.

Shutdown Procedure:
service netbackup stop
If netbackup process still available on ps command:
The above given command helps in killing remainder bp processes gracefully.
If it still doesnt works all hail to kill -9 [:)].

Note: Kill -9 makes netbackup service unstable. Hence advisable to reboot the machine once kill -9 is used.

Media Information (CLI):
Change Media Expiry List(CLI):
bpexpdate -m <media-id> -d expdate

Media Manager Service:
Sometimes due to some reason (generally disk space issue) Media Manager Service shuts it self down. In such a situation untill the point the problem is rectified and the service is restarted netbackup wont work properly as it wont know which media to load.
Following commands are used to start and stop media manager service efficiently (the commands can also be run with backup going on):
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_admin -stop/start.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Netapp How To

Volumes Manipulation:-
    1. Creation:
      vol create <name> <aggr> size
      enter the volume path in /vol/rootvol/etc/exports file (normal nfs format)
      exportfs -a
    2. Resize Volume:
      vol size <name> +/- size
Qtree Manipulation:-
    1. Creation:
      qtree create <absolute-path-to-tree>
      exports changes
      exportfs -a
      assign quota for qtree by changing /rootvol/etc/quotas file.
      quota off <volume-name>
      quota on <volume-name>
    2. Checking Netapp usage for particular qtree (Performance):
      qtree stats
User Manipulation:-
    1. Creation:
      mkdir folder in desired volume
      assign quota for user by changing /rootvol/etc/quotas file.
      quota off <volume-name>
      quota on <volume-name>
    2. Resize quota allocated:
      change quotas file
      quota resize <volume-name>
      Note: quota off/on also works but not recommended as requires a lot more processing than resize. Off/on to be done only during creation/deletion.
CIFS Manipulation:-
    1. Creation:
      cifs shares -add <name> <absolute-path-to-share>
    2. Deletion:
      cifs shares -delete <name>
    3. Access Maniputation to CIFS:
      cifs access <share-name> <user-name> rwx
      cifs access -delete <share-name> <user-name>
    4. Terminating all cifs sessions:
      cifs terminate
Checks And Status:-
    1. sysconfig -r
    2. sysconfig -a
    3. fcstat device_map
    4. fcstat link_stat
    1. Reserving size for Snapshots of a volume:
      snap reserve <volume-name> <percentage>
      Do Remember that snapshots may end up taking more space than reserved for them.
    2. Number and Scheduling for Snapshots:
      snap sched <volume-name> #week-#day-#hourly
    3. Creation of a new snapshot:
      snap create <volume-name> <snapname>
    4. Deleting a snapshot
      snap delete <volume-name> <snapname>
    1. Status for Snapmirror:
      snapmirror status
    2. Snapmirroring Data from one Netapp to another:
      options snapmirror.access host=hostname,hostname (This options needs to be set on the source filer to give access to the destination to get data).
      snapmirror initialize -S <source filer:vol/qtree path> <destination volname/absolute qtree path>
      eg: napp2> snapmirror initialize -S napp1:vol1 volume1
      The above command will snapmirror vol1 of napp1 to volume1 of napp2
      One thing to remember: the destination volume needs to restricted before the snapmirror is initialized.
      napp2> snapmirror initialize -S napp1:/vol/vol1/qtree1 /vol/volume1/qtree2
    3. Updating the snapmirror:
      Almost same command as initialize
      snapmirror update -S <source filer:vol/qtree path> <destination >
    4. Breaking the snapmirror:
      breaking a snapmirror is necessory to make the the destination data writable with full control. breaking in done on destination filer.
      snapmirror quiesce <destination data path>
      snapmirror break <destination data path>
    5. Releasing snapmirrors:
      Releasing of snapmirrors is important as snapshots take space and keep on growing as the data on the volume keeps on changing. This needs to be done both on source and destination filers & both have different ways of getting done.
      source: snapmirror release vol/qtree dest:vol/qtree
      Destination: a mere deletion of the snapmirror snapshot will do.
      remember once the snapmirrors have been release the snapmirror cant be resumed.
System Status:-

sysstat <update-time-in-seconds>

System Failure Troubleshooting:-

partner: Command given on the node which has taken over to get data of bad node.
options autosupport.doit "messages(normally the case id)": to generate the autosupport.

HPUX Remote Execution Errors

When u run a command in HP-UX u sometimes observe that the command gives a couple of stty errors although when u login into the machine and run the command the same errors dont come.
rsh hpux ls
stty: unknown error
abc 123 abc.123

rsh hpux
abc 123 abc.123

The issue between the 2 is that stty works only for interactive login.
So having stty commands in ur profile files (.cshrc/.profile/.login etc) without a interactive login check creates an issue.
Hence keeping a check to see if the login is interactive or not helps.

eg for csh login:

if ( $?prompt ) then
stty erase "^H"
stty intr "^C"
stty kill "^X"

As we can see the if statement helps the check that stty commands are executed only when the login is interactive.

Friday, March 7, 2008

VNC Clipboard Transfers.

Use vncconfig running in background to aid clipboard transfers to and from vncviewer to the host machine.