Sunday, March 16, 2008

HPUX Remote Execution Errors

When u run a command in HP-UX u sometimes observe that the command gives a couple of stty errors although when u login into the machine and run the command the same errors dont come.
rsh hpux ls
stty: unknown error
abc 123 abc.123

rsh hpux
abc 123 abc.123

The issue between the 2 is that stty works only for interactive login.
So having stty commands in ur profile files (.cshrc/.profile/.login etc) without a interactive login check creates an issue.
Hence keeping a check to see if the login is interactive or not helps.

eg for csh login:

if ( $?prompt ) then
stty erase "^H"
stty intr "^C"
stty kill "^X"

As we can see the if statement helps the check that stty commands are executed only when the login is interactive.

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